Home Connect Developer Program


Responsible for the Home Connect Developer Program website:
Home Connect GmbH
Carl-Wery-Str. 34
81739 Munich

Tel.  +49 (0)89 4590 01

Represented by managing directors

Anton Kessler
Stefanie Lipps


Please contact us via our contact form.

Registry entry

Register court: Munich district court, HRB 212586
VAT ID no.: DE295664890


All rights reserved. Text, images, graphics, sound, animations and videos and their layout on the website are subject to copyright protection and other protection laws. The content of this website may not be copied, distributed, changed or made available to third parties for commercial purposes. Some images may be subject to third party copyright.

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Unless otherwise specified, all trademarks on the website are protected.

Liability for content of other providers (external links)

As a content provider under Section 7(1) of the German Broadcast Media Act (TMG), Home Connect GmbH is responsible under the general laws for 'internal content' which is made available for use on http://developer.home-connect.com.

This internal content does not include links to content published by other providers. In this regard, by means of the link, which can be identified as such by moving the mouse pointer over it as they link to a different domain than http://developer.home-connect.com, Home Connect GmbH is making 'third-party content' available for use.

When the link was first placed, this third-party content was checked to ensure that it did not potentially breach civil or criminal law. However, it cannot be ruled out that the provider has changed the content in the meantime. Home Connect GmbH does not continuously screen the content to which it publishes links on its website for changes that could represent a breach of civil or criminal law. If you believe that the external websites to which our website links breach applicable law or feature otherwise unreasonable content, please contact us using the contact information in our legal notice.